In a rush?  Need the recipe for delicious vegan neatball masala NOW? Then scroll down to the end of this blog post!

Through work and my general obsession with food, I come across new cookbooks ALL. THE. TIME. And I can count on 1, at most 2 hands the books I get really, really excited about. So excited that I take the book to bed for in-depth reading and general 'research'. So excited that I plan my week around creating certain dishes from said book. So excited that I wake up in the middle of the night and jot down a quick shopping list to ensure I have the right ingredients to get cracking in the kitchen the following day. So excited that I look at the photos again and again and again and.... It's pathetic, but you get the picture.

Books that fall into that category of they-make-my-heart-skip-a-beat-i-love-them-so-much include Sarah Britton's book MY NEW ROOTS and Amy Chaplin's book AT HOME IN THE WHOLEFOOD KITCHEN, both gems and must-haves if you ask me. And I can honestly say that Nina Olsson's new book BOWLS OF GOODNESS firmly falls into that camp as well because it's special, beautiful and unique.

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vegan recipeK J Espinel