It's the week of Valentine's Day and - as I sit here and write today's post - I just know there will be 101 recipes on the internet celebrating chocolate, heart shaped strawberries, (heart shaped anything probably) and all things pink. I want to say that I made a conscious decision to swim against the tide and give you today's delicious vegan Tofu Scramble with Garlicky Kale recipe. But the truth is, I just totally forgot about Valentine's day as I was putting my blog schedule together (ooops). Nonetheless, I think there is nothing more romantic than waking up to a gorgeous, lovingly made breakfast like this one and so - though of course I'm not even a tiny bit biased - I think this is THE most romantic recipe you'll EVER find on the internet in the run up to the day of love :D. So, put on the kettle, pop Dirty Dancing into your DVD player, grab the one you love, snuggle up and enjoy your tofu scramble ;). 

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vegan recipeK J Espinel

In a rush?  Need the recipe for delicious vegan neatball masala NOW? Then scroll down to the end of this blog post!

Through work and my general obsession with food, I come across new cookbooks ALL. THE. TIME. And I can count on 1, at most 2 hands the books I get really, really excited about. So excited that I take the book to bed for in-depth reading and general 'research'. So excited that I plan my week around creating certain dishes from said book. So excited that I wake up in the middle of the night and jot down a quick shopping list to ensure I have the right ingredients to get cracking in the kitchen the following day. So excited that I look at the photos again and again and again and.... It's pathetic, but you get the picture.

Books that fall into that category of they-make-my-heart-skip-a-beat-i-love-them-so-much include Sarah Britton's book MY NEW ROOTS and Amy Chaplin's book AT HOME IN THE WHOLEFOOD KITCHEN, both gems and must-haves if you ask me. And I can honestly say that Nina Olsson's new book BOWLS OF GOODNESS firmly falls into that camp as well because it's special, beautiful and unique.

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vegan recipeK J Espinel

There are probably 1000s of cookbooks on the market and being a plant-based foodie and food blogger, I've come accross loads in my time. To be honest after a while, they all start to look the same and there are few books that truly stand out. But in the cluttered cookbook section of any good bookstore, Cassandra Bodzak's vegan cookbook 'Eat with Intention' WILL stand out; in fact for me it already does which is why I'm delighted to be hosting a giveaway of her book this week, as well as sharing my own adaptation of her delicious Vegan Yogi Bowl recipe.

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vegan recipeK J Espinel