How to make vegan Thai soup - The Little Plantation

''When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty'' - Thomas Jefferson

Lots to tell you about today, so if you just want my delicious vegan Thai soup - Khao Soi soup recipe, you can find it towards the end of this blog post.

I am acutely aware that over the last few weeks my instagram feed has been either incredibly quiet or dominated by what dominated my life - The Women's March on London. Despite the fact that I'm keen not to make my food blog be more political than it already is (it's a vegan food blog, y'all. I mean, that in itself speaks volumes), I have also always used this space as an on-line, public, open diary to explore and express my thoughts and feelings.

So what can I say? Just that we - a handful of ordinary women - came together now, 11 weeks ago to try and make a positive difference. To stand in solidarity with those groups of people who were attacked and marginalised, demonised and hurt in one of the most vicious and divisive presidential campaigns ever. To raise awareness and consciousness and to bring people together. We never expected a turnout of 100,000 people in what police described as one of the most peaceful and positive marches ever (no arrests in London, if you're wondering). We never expected the outpouring of support we received. We never expected that this march would mean so much to so many people, many of whom were still distressed about the Brexit vote. We never expected that the march and rally would have such a profoundly positive impact, especially on young women, many of whom left inspired and uplifted. What we also hadn't expected was the huge amount of hatred and animosity that would be directed at us in the days leading up to and after the march. It's incredible you guys, I won't go into details, but trolls are SO disgusting. 

We also hadn't expected that we would need to 'justify' our march or our motivation to march (mainly to men, I hasten to add, though some women too). But most of all, I'd never expected to feel this huge weight of responsibility on my shoulders the day after the march. So many questions started to suddently formulate in my mind: What do we do now? How can we ensure that 100,000 people didn't march in vain? How can we continue to protect those most in need? How can we keep going when we're exhausted and wanting to find our way back to our old, 'normal' lives? How could we have been so naive as to think that one march would be enough?

I never ever thought I'd be an activist (I'm just like YOU, trust me), but I'm riding this wave that destiny has swept my way and am not afraid to see where it takes me. Tired, yes, but afraid, no. And now that resistance and everyday activism are my new normal, I've decided to embrace it and run with it because we STILL want our voices to be heard. Because we know that many people want to continue to protect human rights and be a part of this 'movement'. Because we will not go away until this terror STOPS. Because we won't let history repeat itself.

I will most likely not mention politics on the blog again (hopefully), but if I'm absent or quiet, you can bet your bottom dollar I'm plotting away with the rest of the girls - peacefully, positively but with hella determination! Because this is no time for retreating. This is a time for action!

Thanks for reading everyone.
See you in 2 weeks time.

P.S. If you'd like to support The Women's March on London, please e-mail us at womensmarchlondon(at)gmail(dot)com or if you want to do 'something' then check our 10 actions in 100 days on the website for ideas and suggestions, cuz remember politics is by the people, for the people; and that means YOU ;). 

How to make vegan Thai soup - The Little Plantation


Ok, enough about rebellion, banners and revolutions, let's get to what you all came for: FOOD! More specifically, vegan food! The recipe for this delicious soup was adapted from this one here on Lazy Cat Kitchen's blog. It looked so yummy, I was desparate to try it and I can assure you, it doesn't disappoint. It's packed full of flavours and has one of THE real super foods in it - turmeric - plus it's quick and easy to throw together. I hope you enjoy it :).

Preparation Time: 25 minutes
Cooking Time: 20-25 minutes
Serves: 6-8

Ingredients for the Khao Soi paste:

2 shallots, roughly chopped
6-8 cloves garlic cloves
5cm piece of ginger, peeled and roughly chopped
¼ cup chopped fresh coriander stems
2 lemongrass stalks, white inner part only, roughly chopped
1 tablespoon ground coriander
1.5 tablespoons ground turmeric
1 teaspoon curry powder
2 tbs water

Ingredients for the soup:

2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 400ml/14-oz. cans unsweetened coconut milk
2 cups/480ml vegetable broth (I used 1 gluten free vegetable cube dissolved in 480ml of water)
50g per person of Chinese egg noodles (vegetarian option), rice noodles (vegan option) or omit for grain free version
3 tablespoons tamari sauce OR coconut aminos (for grain free version)
1 tablespoon light brown sugar
Salt, to taste

Ingredients for the final touch:

I good handful of shiitake mushrooms, washed and chopped + a pinch of salt and pepper
1 sliced red onion, peeled
1-2 handfuls of bean sprouts, washed
1 handful of coriander leaves, washed
Spring onions, chopped (for serving)
lime wedges (for serving)
peanuts or black sesame seeds (for serving)

Instructions below...

How to make vegan Thai soup - The Little Plantation


First made the vegetable broth by dissolving 1 vegetable cube in 480ml of hot water. When done, set aside.

Next, make the khao soi paste. Place the shallots, garlic, ginger, coriander stems, ground coriander, turmeric, lemongrass, curry powder and 2 tbs of water in a food processor, adding more water if need be, until a smooth paste is formed.

Place the oil in a large pot, heat briefly, then add the khao soi paste, stirring constantly, until slightly darkened (around 2-4 minutes). Next add the coconut milk, vegetable broth, tamari sauce and sugar; bring everything to the boil, then reduce the heat and let the soup simmer for about 15 minutes or so. 

Whilst the soup simmers away, in a separate pot heat the noodles (if using) following the package instructions. Once done, set aside.
Next, in a frying pan, heat some oil and pan fry the shiitake mushrooms with a pinch of salt and pepper. Once done, set aside.
Prepare the other 'final touch' ingredients for when the soup is ready to be served.

Serve the soup warm with the 'final touch' ingredients and enjoy!

Tip 1: The original recipe calls for chillies, which I omitted. I'm not a big fan of spicy food, but for a more authentic version, please feel free to add.
Tip 2: I made this soup several times and must confess that on this occasion I preferred the egg noodles over the rice noodles. However, it's totally your choice; you can even omit all together if you wish.
Tip 3: Please note, that I did not add any salt to the soup as the vegetable stock I used was salty enough ;).
Tip 4: The 'final touch' ingredients are totally optional and interchangeable. In previous versions of this soup for example I used broccoli and spinach rather than bean sprouts. Whatever works for you, can work in this soup ;). Be creative and have fun.

vegan recipeK J Espinel