A woman standing in front of a table folding over pancake or tortilla with a savoury filling

The success of your Instagram account is determined by the quality of the first two seconds - AKA the hook - of your Reels! That’s because Instagram is such a fast paced social media platform and therefore capturing your audience's attention within those first few seconds is paramount to getting your recipe Reels seen and noticed.

With countless posts on Instagram vying for people’s attention, mastering the art of creating a compelling hook is something worth learning if you’re eager to grow your audience, earn an income through your social media account or simply wish to attract the attention of brands you’d like to work with.

In this blog post, I'll share some tips to help you create delicious hooks for your food Reels that will stop everyone in their scroll…..



USE A TITLE on the opening frame of your reel!

Use text within the first 2-3 seconds of your Reel to clearly spell out the title and purpose of your content! Doing so will allow your audience to understand from the outset what the Reel is about and whether it is in fact for them. In other words, the title text acts as a powerful hook enticing the right audience to instantly engage with your content!

Just ensure your text is clearly visible and legible!

TOP TIP! Use branded fonts OR fonts provided by Instagram for best results and reach!

Image is a Reel cover which shows two mocktails garnished with fruit and includes a caption reading "how this Reel went viral"

Show off THE FINAL DISH first!

If you share recipe Reels, start by showing the final dish first! While it might seem logical to begin chronologically with the ingredients, a hero shot or two of the completed recipe will hook your audience far more effectively! This hook is the secret weapon every recipe Reel creator should use regularly!


Include an element of surprise and intrigue!

To hook people in, why not include an element of surprise or intrigue at the start of your Reel? An element of surprise can be created by using a cool, eye-catching and unexpected visual transition at the very start of your short form video. For example, you can snap your fingers to go from an empty plate to the final dish in a blink of an eye. 

Generate intrigue by starting your voice-over with statements like, "Here's why this recipe will change your life" or "This meal prep method will transform your health."

Elements of surprise are perfect for creators who enjoy playing with visuals, while statements of intrigue are ideal for those who excel at storytelling. Experiment with both to see which resonates best with you and your audience.

Image shows an overhead view of four rectangle shaped savoury tarts made with puff pastry and topped with tomato sauce and sliced zucchini

Practice consistently and post as often as you can to see what truly resonates most with your audience

Practice makes perfect, and developing the ideal hook is no different. It takes lots of trial and error to create a variety of hooks that resonate with your audience and that you feel confident using. I recommend keeping a list of hook ideas handy when creating your Reels. Also be sure to regularly check your Instagram analytics to identify which hooks are worth reusing and which need further fine-tuning.

Image shows a woman holding a book up in front of her face hiding it.

Before you go…

I truly hope this blog post was helpful! If you want to improve your Instagram Reels strategy further and take your recipe Reels to the next level, why not order my new book, How to Make Your Food Famous! Find out more about the book here.