How to brand your instagram - Eat, Capture, Share - a podcast for food bloggers

In today’s episode (13) of The EAT, CAPTURE, SHARE Podcast, you’ll be listening in on another one of my instagram mentoring sessions; I’m working with food blogger and artist Stephanie Kordan also know as The Sensual Foodie. I give Stephanie some suggestions on branding her instagram, listening to her audience and working with brands. We also talk about….

  • Blogger burn out

  • How to set income goals

  • Why reaching out to brands you love can be incredibly powerful

  • We explore why increasing follower numbers actually doesn’t change anything

  • The importance of appreciating and serving the audience you have

  • Why knowing what differentiates you from everyone else on instagram is so crucial

  • The power of clear branding on instagram

  • Establishing authority on instagram

  • Why understanding your audience is the key to working with brands and the key to identifying your brand

  • Why having a blog in 2019 still is a good idea

  • We talk creating, sharing and repurposing content on instagram

  • How to learn more about your audience


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