How to grow your instagram audience and business through social media - Eat, Capture, Share - a podcast for food bloggers

In today’s episode (24) of The EAT, CAPTURE, SHARE Podcast, you’ll be listening in on another one of my instagram mentoring sessions; I’m working with nutritional therapist and plant-based recipe developer Ana Estellés. I give Ana some suggestions on clarifying her brand message on instagram, growing her IG audience and overcoming the hurdle of self promotion….

  • I explain why it is crucial to ensure you clearly convey on instagram who you are, what you do and who you do it for

  • Ana explains her nutrition business as it stands and what her hopes and wishes are for the future

  • We explore how Ana can explain from the outset what she offers prospective clients and what sets her services apart from everyone else

  • We deep dive into Ana’s current business to establish how to identify what’s working and help her define her niche

  • We explore what writing a book can and cannot do for Ana’s business and how to use her current brand positing to inform the topic of her book

  • I outline why selling on instagram is hard and how to best use the platform for business growth

  • We speak about the importance of listening to your audience and creating content and products for them, NOT the other way around

  • I explain why SEO still matters in 2019

  • I outline how Ana could turn an instagram audience member into a prospective client

  • I share my top tip on building an e-mail list that converts!

  • Why content is still King/Queen!

  • Ana and I discuss creating a posting schedule for instagram and in what way it could be helpful

  • Ana opens up about the fact that she feels weird about selling her services and we explore candidly how to overcome this hurdle

  • I give examples on how to tie instagram stories into your overall brand message

  • We chat about hashtags - how to use them, what to avoid and why they’re still worth it


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