How to get more food photography clients - Eat, Capture, Share - a podcast for food bloggers

In today’s season 3 premier episode (28) of The EAT, CAPTURE, SHARE Podcast, you’ll be listening in on another instagram mentoring session; I’m working with food photographer and food blogger Marialena who is keen to move from hobby to professional photographer. I give Marialena some suggestions on building her food photography business and where her blog and instagram fit into that process. Here’s what you can expect from this episode…

  • Marialena outlines how she came to write a food blog, start her instagram account and discover her love for food photography

  • I explain why it is very hard to make a living solely as a food photographer and what Marialena can do to ensure she earns enough income to make it work

  • I give Marialena honest feedback on her website and how it may be hindering her from getting the food photography work she wants

  • We deep dive into the importance of SEO, key words and blogging

  • I talk about how a blog and an instagram account can serve you differently in getting the food photography clients that you want

  • I speak about the importance of having a diverse and less consistent instagram gallery!

  • I provide Marialena with suggestions on what an ABOUT page on her website should include to attract more food photography clients

  • I explain why it’s important to make your website as user friendly for potential clients as possible

  • We chat about the significance of networking and reaching out to brands as well as fellow content creators

  • I give my take on what should be included in every food photographer’s portfolio

  • I share what one steps to take if you dream of shooting a cookbook

  • We chat about the reasons why creating an ebook can help you grow your brand and food photography business

  • We discuss the power of creating food photography for free and why following up is everything!

  • We talk about how to set your food photography rates and when to know you’re ready to increase your prices


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