NOTE: This blog post is part 24 of my INSTAGRAM SERIES - content all about helping YOU manage your way around instagram. In the INSTAGRAM SERIES I've touched on subjects such as how much money should bloggers and influencers earn, how the instagram algorithms really work and is your instagram account worth following. Just click here to find all the other parts in the series. Now on with today's post...
As I write these lines we’re in the middle of a global pandemic and though our primary focus is most certainly (and rightly!) on people’s and the planet’s well-being, the reality for most of us is that we still need to pay our bills and provide for ourselves and our loved ones. The question is, how can content creators, food photographers, recipe developers and influencers like us whose industry has been turned upside down, weather these uncertain times and come out of this period with our income streams (and sanity) still in tact? I don’t want to pretend that I have all the answers, but would love to share some ideas and thoughts that might help you manoeuvre through these choppy waters…